Where does the money I donate go?
Larson’s Cause has donated funds to the following families. You may not see their poster here but your money is helping local children:
A pretty young athlete, who underwent open heart surgery. She is doing very well and is playing softball again!
A family needed assistance in acquiring a wheelchair accessible van to assist in transporting daughter who uses a wheelchair.
A Teenager who suffers from Crohn’s Disease and has medical expenses from hospital stays, medication and possibly surgery.
Baby Fighter and his family needed assistance as they travelled to seek medical treatment in Colorado. Baby Fighter suffered from LUTO and will forever be in the hearts of those who prayed for him and his family
We helped a teenager battling a brain infection, he made a full recover and is doing great!

While the Viebrock Family was visiting Atlanta, GA in April of 2009, Larson became ill. His parents took him to the emergency room where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and was hospitalized at the Scottish Rite Hospital. While in the hospital, a doctor noticed that the results from Larson’s blood work was not right so she ordered another blood test. When the second set of results came back they too concerned the doctors. A specialist was called in and Larson was admitted to the PICU where he was diagnosed with HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome). This is a rare disease in which bacteria causes the red blood cells to destroy themselves causing the kidneys to clog and eventually shut down. There is no cure. You only treat the symptoms until the disease can run its course. Larson was placed on complete life support and dialysis. He remained in the PICU for 32 days and was then admitted to the rehabilitation unit to relearn to walk, talk, sit up, and other things normal 1 year olds can do. The Viebrock Family returned to Smithville 7 weeks after the whole ordeal began.
Ashley Donnell and Mica Ekis
On January 30, 2016, life changed for Ashley and Mica, both 14 years old and active freshman at Smithville High school, were seriously injured when the vehicle they were riding in left the road and rolled over several times. Both girls were taken by ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital.
Ashley Donnell and Mica Ekis
Baby Jonathan
Baby Jonathan was born on March 17, 2016 to Heather, Steven, and big brother Brody. Heather is a 2008 Smithville High Grad and her family has been long-time Smithville residents. As soon as Jonathan was born he was rushed to the NICU where he was stabilized as his little heart was thought to only have 1 ASD hole but it was discovered that he had 2. He was given prostaglandins to keep the PDA open to allow his lungs to receive blood for oxygenation. He was put on a vent to assist his lungs.
Sadly Baby Johnathan lost his fight on August 20, 2016.
Baby Jonathan
Selena underwent a brain tumor resection on May 17, 2010 at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas after a tumor was discovered March 5, 2010. The tumor location was in her left-temporal parietal lobe region and was identified as an Angiocentric Glioma. We learned shortly after surgery, Selena was the 26th person in the world ever diagnosed with an Angiocentric Glioma.
At the age of 2 years old, Aidan was diagnosed with a disease called Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) which is an allergic inflammatory disease and causes elevated eosinophils in the esophagus. These eosinophils (or white blood cells) attack Aidan’s esophagus, destroying the tissue. There are a variety of symptoms that are associated with EoE, including severe inflammation, food impaction, vomiting, failure to thrive and poor appetite.
The Ellwein family remains forever grateful for the amazing support of this wonderful community.
Kacey graduated from Mizzou in December with a degree in Biological Engineering. He is currently working at Johnson Controls in a sales position. Kacey is now over 5 years cancer free and continues to be involved in the cancer community through involvement in Make a Wish and volunteering at Children’s Mercy in a mentorship position
In January 2013, this beautiful young lady had been struggling with unknown health problems. She was treated for GI issues and several different infections, losing 30 lbs in the process. In July 2013 her health drastically declined and was admitted to Children’s Mercy Pediatric Oncology Unit. After a month of pathologist studies with opinions from Mayo Clinic and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma AKA Carcinoid Cancer, a very rare small cell cancer typically found in adults.
Xander was born May of 2015 with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. The cleft caused the top lip to be split into three separate pieces and a large opening in the roof of his mouth. After a short stay in the NICU at Children’s Mercy Xander was able to come home. With the help of a special bottle and medical tape Xander was able to find a way to eat. Xander has grown at a rapid pace and is in the 90th percentile in height and weight. Xander had his first surgery in August of 2015 to adhere the top lip together to prepare for the full reconstruction. The surgery went well and in October of 2015, Xander had the full reconstruction of his lip and nose done. The surgery went great and has created very minimal scarring.
Ian fought cancer like a trooper! The 15 year old lost his battle with cancer in June of 2018.

Eowyn was a sweet 5 year old with DIPG - a type of brain cancer. She has a tumor that was inoperable and highly resistant to chemotherapy. Eowyn underwent an experimental chemotherapy and immunotherapy in Monterrey, Mexico. Sadly Eowyn passed on May 13, 2018, surrounded by her loving family.
Julia is a happy 3 year old who has been diagnosed with several heart conditions. She traveled to California for a life changing surgery in May 2018 and it was a success! She is now at home and is growing and thriving!
Lauren is a loving and joyful 2nd grader who has a brain tumor near her brain stem. She had a very risky brain surgery earlier this year and is doing very well. The doctors are keeping a close watch on her as more surgeries are to come.

On the evening of November 7, 2018, Sage was involved in a motor vehicle accident where she sustained multiple injuries. Sage was found by a local long-time Smithville resident who happened to be on the rural gravel road where the accident occurred. Sage was coherent enough to tell the man her mom’s phone number. He called 911, and when the emergency response teams arrived they transported her to Children’s Mercy Trauma Center. Sage’s mom was informed to meet Sage at Children’s Mercy as she had life threatening injuries.
Jordyn has a mysterous illness that has caused major swelling and is affecting her senses. Jordyn is now blind but doing well. She is learning braile really fast and continues to have a positive attitude.

On November 15, 2018, Michaela went for a scheduled MRI due to recent migraine like headaches. During the MRI, doctors discovered a large mass on the back of her brain and attached to her brain stem. Later diagnosed as a Pilocytic Astrocytoma Brain Tumor. She was immediately taken for an emergency surgery where they placed an external ventricular drain to relieve the pressure from massive amounts of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding her brain. The following day she underwent a 9-hour surgery where her neurosurgeon and team of doctors were able to safely and successfully remove about 90% of the tumor. The portion left behind, is tightly attached to her brain stem.