Baby Jonathan
Baby Jonathan was born on March 17, 2016 to Heather, Steven, and big brother Brody. Heather is a 2008 Smithville High Grad and her family has been long-time Smithville residents. As soon as Jonathan was born he was rushed to the NICU where he was stabilized as his little heart was thought to only have 1 ASD hole but it was discovered that he had 2. He was given prostaglandins to keep the PDA open to allow his lungs to receive blood for oxygenation. He was put on a vent to assist his lungs. Upon further investigation, the physicians gave his parents a list of surgeries he would need:
- Norwood/hybrid Open Heart Surgery
- Brain Surgery (fluid on the brain)
- Spinal Surgery (tethered spine)
- Abdominal surgery (testis not dropped)
- Colostomy (imperforate anus)
- Tracheotomy (breathing support)
He was also diagnosed with Coffin-Siris Syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes delays. It was also discovered that he had a cleft palate. Jonathan had 2 surgeries, one to for the fluid on his brain and the 2nd was heart surgery to put a shunt in to open his PDA. Baby Jonathan continued to be hospitalized at Children’s Mercy. Heather’s Family has been a huge supporters since our beginning in 2009.
Sadly Baby Johnathan lost his fight on August 20, 2016.
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