In January 2013, this beautiful young lady had been struggling with unknown health problems. She was treated for GI issues and several different infections, losing 30 lbs in the process. In July 2013 her health drastically declined and was admitted to Children’s Mercy Pediatric Oncology Unit. After a month of pathologist studies with opinions from Mayo Clinic and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma AKA Carcinoid Cancer, a very rare small cell cancer typically found in adults.
A girl, who loved school and always an A+ student, was looking forward to her sophomore year at Smithville High School playing volleyball and trumpet in marching band. She just wanted to be a typical teenager.
She had multiple cancerous tumors in her brain and throughout her body. The largest brain tumor was located in the central nervous system of the brain which relays signals to the body. Unfortunately, this caused low blood pressure which kept her bed ridden with hearing and vision loss.
She had chemotherapy July – September 2013, radiation October – November 2013, and started a new chemotherapy regiment in December 2013. The year 2014 was a difficult one for Faith. She continued to receive treatments and fought hard to the end. Unfortunately, Faith lost her battle in the spring of 2015.
She was a strong, brave and inspirational young lady with a contagious smile. Her cancer color was Zebra (in medicine used as a reference to a rare disease or condition) and her song is Katy Perry’s ROAR, because she was a fighter!!!
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