While the Viebrock Family was visiting Atlanta, GA in April of 2009, Larson became ill. His parents took him to the emergency room where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and was hospitalized at the Scottish Rite Hospital. While in the hospital, a doctor noticed that the results from Larson’s blood work was not right so she ordered another blood test. When the second set of results came back they too concerned the doctors. A specialist was called in and Larson was admitted to the PICU where he was diagnosed with HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome). This is a rare disease in which bacteria causes the red blood cells to destroy themselves causing the kidneys to clog and eventually shut down. There is no cure. You only treat the symptoms until the disease can run its course. Larson was placed on complete life support and dialysis. He remained in the PICU for 32 days and was then admitted to the rehabilitation unit to relearn to walk, talk, sit up, and other things normal 1 year olds can do. The Viebrock Family returned to Smithville 7 weeks after the whole ordeal began.
Today, Larson is fully recovered and doing well. He is not on any medications but his kidney function will continue to be monitored yearly. Larson is 16 years old and going to be a junior in the fall of 2024! Larson was recently accepted into the Diesel Mechanics Program at the Northland Career Center. He will be spending ½ the school day at SHS and ½ the day in Platte City. He likes to go to school most days, runs track and on the cross country team, and loves spending time with his friends. You will see him here today running around with his little brother, Lincoln.
Thank you for helping us get through our life-changing ordeal and for coming today to help us pay it forward. Our family’s life-long goal is to help others in need and to serve others. This car show is one way for us to do it. Hug your kids, tell someone you love them and find the miracle in today!
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