Xander was born May of 2015 with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. The cleft caused the top lip to be split into three separate pieces and a large opening in the roof of his mouth. After a short stay in the NICU at Children’s Mercy Xander was able to come home. With the help of a special bottle and medical tape Xander was able to find a way to eat. Xander has grown at a rapid pace and is in the 90th percentile in height and weight. Xander had his first surgery in August of 2015 to adhere the top lip together to prepare for the full reconstruction. The surgery went well and in October of 2015, Xander had the full reconstruction of his lip and nose done. The surgery went great and has created very minimal scarring.
The cleft lip is now fixed and should not require any further surgeries. Xander will however need at least one more surgery to fix his cleft palate. The palate has caused some speech issues that we hope to fix with surgery and the help of a speech therapist. We are so pleased with the work of the cleft clinic at Children’s Mercy Hospital and the outlook for Xander’s future.
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