Thank you for attending the 16th Annual Larson's Cruise for the Cause!We are very proud to be able to help families in our area and because you have chosen to support our efforts, we continue to make a positive impact for those that need financial assistance during a difficult medical situation.
Your generosity inspires us to keep Larson's Cause going! Maybe you volunteered your time, brought a vehicle to display, donated or purchased an item from our auctions, came to listen to music, grab a t-shirt, meal or snack, and just spend the afternoon with us.It all touches our hearts and proves what great things we can accomplish together.
A huge thank you to our volunteers and sponsors! It takes a village!We urge you to support our sponsors as they truly help us get a big start each year!
Thank you again so much for allowing us to make a difference in our community.We hope you will continue to attend our car shows each year.Check out larsonscause.com and keep in touch on facebook also!
We appreciate you,
Johnny & Shannon McKown
Jay & Candi Sutton
Johnny & Angie Viebrock